My WP Site went down. GoDaddy did a restore and told me that I have no user table. GoDaddy then rebuilt my WP Core, and then tried to import my WooCommerce data. They say there are no "Tables". Other than the fact that my site is down, what does all this mean? How do I fix what they did?
Thank you for your help and advice. Go Daddy had no backups, not even in their personal “Disaster” storage. Long and short of it is, my Site has been destroyed: Go Daddy elected to rebuild my WP Core, then had their “Premium Team” import my data base. It did not work. My Site has now been down for close to a month. Nothing appears to be there, yet when I look at my WP File Manager plug-in all the data is there, but not integrated into the Site. When we tried to back up what we could see in the File Manager, we could not get in, we were told that the DNS was pointed to another server, and they (Go Daddy) had been backing up another Site? Once the IP address was changed we were able to do the back up. Today Go Daddy did an automatic WP Update to 4.7.5, all of my Plug-ins are compatible up to 4.7.4. Do I try to Update everything at this point? I have almost 3 years of customer files that I cannot access, but still appear to be in the File Manager. Is there anything that can be done to repair the damage and give me access to my files?