On my website (http://www.wandaburchgoines.com) my product thumbnails are different sizes. Some are cropped. The image sizes in the Media library is the same.
Please help me change this.
Thank you.
1 Answers
Hi Bobbie,
It's likely that your theme is sizing your thumbnails for width — but not height.
The best practice is to crop or edit your images so that they are all the same size before uploading them to your website.
If you don't want to do that, your theme will need to be edited so that it will pull in the correct size thumbnail image each time.
I would recommend first reaching out to the creator of the theme and ask them if there's a fix available for this. The theme you're currently using on your site is: SKT Girlie Pro, and they list their support form here: https://www.sktthemes.net/contact/
Hope this helps!
Last night I downloaded thumbnail regenerate plugin. It worked. All photos are the same in media. But I changed the sizes in settings.