I am quickly working through the course. I'd like to build an eComm based site with an advertorial style, because the trend the site will be based on is a recent one and requires discussion and eduction.
As inspiration we choice 2 sites. The first, because, like us, we want to feature really beautiful products; and the second because we want an eCOmm with an advertorial style: https://howtospendit.ft.com and https://www.net-a-porter.com.
I then searched for a theme and bought this one: https://authentictheme.com/girlboss/ before taking your course.
I took a play inside and can see that theme has a lot in it. However, the editor looks Gutenburg-esque. Could I trouble you to ask, whether, this theme, after WP101 and intro to Gutenburg, could be too much to get your arms around? Or should I continue searching for something better?
Thanks for your support.
1 Answers
Hmm... recommending themes is tricky business. There are thousands of WordPress themes, created by dedicated theme shops or individuals all around the world.
The biggest concern when shopping for themes is not which one looks the way you want, but rather, is this theme creator going to be around for a long time? I hear from site owners nearly every single day whose theme has stopped working because they bought it 5 years ago, and the theme creator has long since closed up shop.
Or worse, their theme is simply no longer supported, which means the theme creator hasn't kept pace with the latest features in WordPress. For example, you can buy a theme today that doesn't include support for Gutenberg, the now-standard Block Editor.
So, when shopping for themes, keep that in mind.
That's why I compiled a very short list of reputable theme companies where I personally know the people behind them, and can vouch for both the quality of code and their dedication to supporting their customers for years to come:
For your specific use case, I would recommend you take a look at Astra.
It's not only one of the fastest-loading themes on the market (which is important for SEO, as well as a better user experience), but they also include support for Gutenberg, Beaver Builder and Elementor. So you've got your choice of page builders that enable you to create just about any type of site design you can imagine.
Take a look at they Starter Templates — full page layouts you can import and start using right away, without having to be a designer or coder.
That's where I would start. Hope this helps!