Is it a good idea to add a hit counter to a web page? If so, how do I add a hit counter to my WordPress site?
1 Answers
Hi Catrin,
The StatCounter plugin provides customizable hit counters, visitor tracking, web analytics, and website stats for WordPress sites:
You'll also need to sign up for an account on, but they have a free plan for sites that get 500 hits or fewer.
Once installed, view their documentation for how to display the hit counter on your pages.
But I would be remiss if I didn't ask why you wanted to display a hit counter on your site? I've been creating websites since 1994, and hit counters were wildly popular back then. These days, it's not generally a good idea to publicly display a counter that will announce to the world whether or not your site is popular.
Consider the possibility that potential competitors can use this to see what content is popular with visitors and which pages attract the least attention. By making a web counter public, you're enabling others to learn about traffic to your site. Additionally, if your visitors see that your site has little or no traffic, it may discourage them from spending more time on the site.
By all means, you should collect and monitor statistics about traffic to your site. But I would recommend keeping that data to yourself.
Just a couple of thoughts to consider before you display that hit counter on your site. :)
Hope this helps!