I am a novice so this may not be the most intelligent question ever asked. I set up my web site and was quite happy with the way it turned out. I then got to looking at Themes and saved theme twenty seventeen to have a look at it. When I did that, my side bar, footers and info to navigate to other pages all disappeared. I tried to delete theme twenty seventeen, but received a message that the deletion failed.Need helpThanksPhil Martin
1 Answers
Hi Phil,
Unfortunately, this is a well-documented problem with Wordpress. It was supposed to be addressed several versions ago, but I still hear complaints of this happening.
The annoying behavior happens when the new theme has a different number of registered widget areas as the old theme, or they may be named differently.
You might still find your widgets in the “Inactive Widgets” area, and you can re-add them to their respective widget areas.
Not sure why you were unable to delete the Twenty Seventeen theme. As long as you have other themes installed, you should be able to delete it, unless the file permissions on the web server are preventing that action. In that case, you should still be able to delete the theme via FTP, or open a support ticket with your web host and ask them to do it for you.
Hope this helps!