My homepage is currently in the Classic Editor. How do I change my homepage to Gutenberg? Do I need to create a whole new homepage in Gutenberg? Thank you!
1 Answers
Hi Debi,
If you've installed the Classic Editor plugin, you can choose whether to edit a page in either the Classic Editor or the new Block Editor.
Once you've installed and activated the Classic Editor plugin (and it sounds like you have), go to: Settings > Writing and enable the feature to, “Allow users to switch editors.” Then save your changes.
Once that feature is enabled, you'll have the ability to choose which editor to use when you open any page or post.
If you open a page or post in the Block Editor that was originally created using the Classic Editor, you'll find all the content is preserved in a single “Classic” block.
I wouldn't recommend you open a page or post in the Classic Editor that was originally created using the Block Editor, but they claim you can.
No matter what, be sure you have a solid backup strategy, so you can roll back any mistakes that occur from switching between the two editors!
Hope this helps.