What should be the ideal size of images or resolution of images for different sections of website so that the speed of loading website is not affected. And what is preferred uploading image in media library or providing link of image uploaded on any other website, which works better?
Thanking you in anticipation.
Thanking you in anticipation.
1 Answers
Hi Sarthak,
That really depends on a number of factors... the most important being what size your audience will most likely be viewing your images from your website.
The latest browser display statistics from W3Schools suggest that about 95% of web visitors may have a screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels or higher.
There should rarely be a reason to upload an image to your website that is larger than 2560x1440.
But keep in mind... we're just talking about dimensions here. But when we talk about the “ideal size” of an image, we should not only talk about the dimensions of an image, but more importantly, the file size.
Depending on the image compression and format you choose, the exact same image could weigh in at just 20kb, or several MB in size.
I usually resize my images to no more than 1920px wide, and then I use TinyPNG to compress the image as much as possible before I ever upload it to my website.
Better yet, my Managed WordPress host, Nexcess, includes a FREE subscription to the TinyPNG service, and automatically compresses every image I upload to my WordPress website, which saves me even more time.
Finally, this video tutorial covers the best process for adding an image to your site: https://wp101.com/tutorial/how-to-add-an-image/
I rarely, if ever, upload images directly to the Media Library. Rather, I upload them to a page or post while I'm creating content.
To your question, I would recommend you don't simply link to images hosted on other websites. Doing so penalizes the site from which you are linking. They'll have to pay for the additional traffic every time a visitor to your site views that image. In fact, many hosting companies are working to block this practice, for this very reason.
And that doesn't touch the issue of copyright. If you include images on your site, be sure those images are either created by you, or properly licensed so that you don't infringe on someone else's copyrighted images.
Hope this helps!