Can you change the video speed in the courses? I tried a few different browsers but don't see the option in any of them. Is there any way to play them at 1.5x or 2x?
1 Answers
Hi Anita,
Some video hosts, like YouTube, enable you to speed up the playback of videos using a speed control button built into the player. Unfortunately, our video host, Vimeo, does not include such a built-in control. It's a feature that has long been requested by Vimeo customers, so the hope is that they'll include it in a future version.
I was wondering if there was a work-around and found a Chrome extension/add-on that does it for me – ‘Vimeo repeat & speed‘. Have you tried this? It works well, at least on the one video I just tried it on. And/or can you see any reason not to use it?
I haven’t tried the extension you mentioned, but I have tried a Javascript bookmark shortcut; it only worked on videos that are being watched on, not on other websites where videos are embedded (like this one). I don’t see any problem with using an extension like this, if you want to save some time. Good find!