What is the relationship between Membership plugins and plugins to deliver online courses in a member area?
For example you use Lifter LMS…Are Paid Membership Pro, Memberpress and similar plugins compatible with this plugin? What membership plugin (preferably free) goes well with Lifter LMS
Do I need to set up a members area first and then install LifterLMS?. I am quite confused about the relationship between these 2 pieces of software and how they work together…./:
All help welcome :)
Hi Stephen,
The plugins you listed all have similar functions—though they each go about it in slightly different ways. LifterLMS actually has membership functionality built in—the ability to sell memberships, then protect certain content for members only.
So you don't need a separate plugin in addition to LifterLMS to sell memberships.
The other two plugins you mentioned ONLY handle selling memberships and protecting content for logged-in members. So if you're just wanting to sell access to content contained on certain pages or posts on your site, either of those plugins will work just fine.
But if you want to sell memberships AND deliver online courses to members, then LifterLMS is a much better solution.
Hope this helps!
“Hi Shawn, thanks so much for your answer. it is very helpful.
I have checked out the LMS plugin and the basic version is free. I will probably need to get the mailchimp and stripe integrations, and I see another integration called “Launchpad”.
What exactly does it do? Is it an extension by LifterLMS or a 3rd party extension like “Stripe or “convertkit”. As I am just starting out I need to keep costs to a minimum and would like to know how customizable is the standard plugin or do I need the LaunchPad to be able to customise the membership area in terms of design and colours to look and feel like the rest of the website?
Thanks, Stephen”
I believe Launchpad is the name of the WordPress theme that the LifterLMS team created. It does have some customization built in, but I don’t think it enables you to customize the page layouts. You might reach out to them to get some clarity before purchasing. Their team is friendly and always eager to help.