When I upload photos from the same source as all my others, they are not appearing in my Media Llbrary, except by name.
If only some of the images you upload fail to appear in the Media Library, then I would suspect either: A) the files may be larger than the maximum file size permitted for your web server, or: B) the file format is not supported (e.g. TIFF, PSD, etc.).
Try resizing the images down to the actual size they will appear on your website. You likely don't need images larger than say, 1920 x 1080 px.
Then, be sure you're saving images in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.
Follow up here if neither of those suggestions works for you.
They are all jpg files, the largest being 797 X 729.
They show up as a gray rectangle. When they are entered in the text, a lot of data shows up on the screen. But when open it to view, there is no picture, just a notation that something is there.
Can you send me a link to an example, so I can see what’s happening?
This is the lkink to my media library. When the graphc is placed in the text it just shows up as the name of the photo in red followed by the space the photo might require.
I actually need a link to a page or post where you’ve attempted to place an image.
But the link above does not work, either.
Error: “The requested URL /wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Deschutes2.jpg was not found on this server.”
You may have a server configuration problem. Where is your site hosted? Have you attempted to contact their support team? I think that’s going to be the best way to get this resolved.