Hi team!
We have a lifetime membership and use these courses all the time. However, recently we are getting a notification that our license is not valid. Do you know what the cause of this could be?
Please help!
1 Answers
Best Answer
Hi, Julia.
Sounds like you may be confusing our two products, WP101.com and the WP101 Plugin.
You do have a lifetime membership to this site, WP101.com, which allows you to watch all of our videos on this site at anytime.
You mentioned seeing a notification that your license is not valid. That's not in reference to this site; you're most likely talking about your subscription to the WP101 Plugin, which has its own dedicated website: https://wp101plugin.com
And, if you're seeing that error notification on sites on which you've installed the WP101 Plugin, that's likely because you missed some very important emails we sent last month to all of our current subscribers, announcing a brand new version of the WP101 Plugin.
This should get you caught up: https://wp101plugin.com/what-you-missed/
So, you probably want to open a support ticket on that site, so we can help you get back up and running.
Hope this helps!
Thank you!
Thank you!