Yes! Thank you so much, I had no idea I could even ask them to do that. I didn’t realize it was so complicated. Thanks for the quick response!
Thanks for sharing this update, Rita. That’s frustrating, I’m sure. And I completely understand your reasons for not wanting to pay more for hosting. Out of curiosity, what version of PHP is your site currently running? You can find that information in Tools > Site Health > Info > Server currently recommends PHP version 7.4 or newer. As long as your server is running at least 7.4, you should be okay for a while.
I believe WP says I’m on 7.3.2, and when I spoke to the representative, he had told me that that is the highest level I am “allowed” to be at, so I guess once the PHP gets to a higher level, I’ll be bumped up to 7.4. But that’s just an assumption.