I am trying to target the home widget areas of my site and make them the same height . I am assuming it is done through CSS in the Additional CSS on the theme customizer. I've tried the different fixes I've found through google and they are unhelpful or don't solve the problem.
1 Answers
Hey Issac!
It depends on a couple of things - namely the theme you’re using and the name of the widget area. It will also depend on how the widgets are aligned. If they are floated, it will be harder to apply the same height without JavaScript. Both Flexbox and CSS Grid do make it easier to adjust the height.
Chrome’s Inspector Tools will be helpful for you here. In Chrome, right click on the area you’re trying to edit and look for the class names. This is a good primer on that: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/css/
If you can provide a link, I could also try to guide you in the right direction.