I have seen the video on blogging. however, I am still a bit confused. I uploaded a image on my blog, I saved it as well as posted my first blog, The font is small, I used the tools to get the effect that I wanted, I saved it, however, when I logged back to the blog page on my website, none of the changes occoured. I was not pleased with my results. I cannot seem to find the video in the tutorial section and all I am doing is becomimg more frustrated. Please help. Where can I find the video on blogging? and how can I improve the look of the blog? Thank you. I do not understand what you mean by reaching out tho the developer of the theme. Word press is new to me, and It is not that easy to learn. However, I will continue to study. But it is frustrating.
Hi Izetta,
Sorry to hear you're becoming frustrated with the process. Let's see if I can help.
A blog is made up of individual Posts. This video covers how to create Posts:
This one covers the toolbar in the Editor:
And this one covers how to edit existing Posts:
Your current theme determines the size of the fonts used in your website. It's generally not necessary to change the font size manually.
But doing so requires editing the code in your theme. You cannot simply increase or decrease the size of your fonts in the WordPress toolbar across the top of the Editor window. Instead, you'll need to edit the CSS code in your theme's stylesheet:
Appearance > Editor > style.css
Generally, you'll scroll down to find the “body” class, which should contain a line of CSS like this:
font-size: 16px;
If so, you can simply enter a new value there—like 18px—and then clikc the “Update File” button to save your changes.
You should always save a backup copy of this file before editing, and you should be aware that any changes you make here will be overwritten if you ever update your theme in the future.
For this reason, we typically recommend adding CSS overrides in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
But don't get overwhelmed or bogged down in all of this. This is precisely why we've partnered with WordPress experts at Codeable. See that link on the right-hand side that says, “Get Help Now”? Click that button and you can hire a pro to make tiny changes like this, in about 10 minutes or so.
That way you get to focus on what you do best — creating your content.
Hope this helps, but feel free to follow up here any time.