I am working on an old site and need to change the theme as the old one is being deactivated. I changed it to twenty twenty, but the preview pane wouldn't work and when I tried to edit in gutenburg, it would open. But then, as I tried to change anything, it comes up with unexpected error - try recovery. If you press that, it does nothing. I checked all the plug ins for a conflict, it still doesn't work. I know its not the theme as gutenburg is supposed to work with the twenty twenty theme, so I'm at a loss. I can't seem to change the website at all to any kind of block editing programme only the classic editor seems to work.
2 Answers
An update - I have checked the php as I thought that this may be an issue as the site is running 5.6 and wordpress recommends 7.4, but this isn't the case, apparently gutenburg is compatible with 5.6. I can't even get the plug in to show on the list of plug ins to download. The only thing it will show is Gutentor. If anyone has any ideas of what I could be missing I would be grateful. I have covered most troubleshooting ideas now and I can't find anything in the internet that I haven't tried.
I can't update the php as I don't have access to the server, but everyone says this shouldn't actually stop gutenburg from showing up in the plug in list.
Hi Cheryl,
Sounds like a tricky one, for sure. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
WordPress does require PHP version 7.4 or greater. It also requires MySQL version 5.6.
Generally, you won't be able to update those on your own. You'll have to reach out to your web host and ask them to upgrade the server on which your site is hosted, or move your site to a newer server that meets the latest requirements.
I suspect your server meets the minimum requirements, so that may not be the culprit.
You mentioned the Gutenberg plugin, and I want to clear up any possible confusion about that.
You don't need to install the Gutenberg plugin. Gutenberg is the code name for the “new” block editor that was released in WordPress 5.0. If you're running the latest version of WordPress (or any version after 5.0), you already have the Gutenberg editor.
The Gutenberg plugin is used by the WordPress core team to develop new features for the block editor. They develop and release new features in the plugin to test them. Then, when a new feature is considered complete, they release it in the next version of WordPress.
So again, if your site is running the latest version of WordPress, you don't need to install the Gutenberg plugin.
Now, back to your issue. You mentioned that you tested all your plugins for a conflict, but that didn't yield any different results. Is that correct? If you've disabled every plugin one at a time, and still have the same error, there must be something else at play.
You're also correct in your assumption that the Twenty Twenty theme is fully compatible with Gutenberg. So it's not likely the error is coming from the theme.
If you're running the latest version of WordPress, using the Twenty Twenty theme, and you've disabled ALL plugins on your site, but still get the same error, then the issue must be with the server configuration.
In that case, your best bet is going to be contact your web host for support. They should be able to resolve any server-related issue that would prevent WordPress from functioning properly.
It sounds like you've followed the steps to properly troubleshoot your site, so it may be time to ask your web host for support.
Hope this helps in your troubleshooting!
Hi Shawn,
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer, I’ve been really stumped with this one as all the other websites I’ve worked on have been fine. I will go back to the person responsible for the hosting and go from there. Thanks once again, your answer was really helpful and gives me something to take back the board who can then decided what they want to do.
…and thanks for the info about gutenburg, I didn’t realise that as have always used an external builder like Elementor or Divi so didn’t realise its all integrated. 🙂 I’ve been out of web design for a good long while and took this course to refresh my knowledge, so far its been brilliant! Thank you.