By default, posts are displayed in reverse chronological order, with the newest post at the top of the page. But, sometimes you might want to reverse that and display your posts in chronological order (from oldest to newest). How do you reverse the order of WordPress posts?
Probably the easiest way to reverse the order of posts on your WordPress site is to install the Chronological Posts plugin. This plugin simply reverses the post order to be chronological.
It’s a simple plugin with no settings or options. It just does one thing — reverses the order of your posts on the front-end of your site.
If you don't want to install a plugin for this, you can manually adjust the publish date on your posts before you publish them to set the order in which you want them to display. If your posts have already been published, you can edit them and adjust the publish date.
Or, if you prefer an easier and more permanent solution, one of the WordPress experts at Codeable can edit your theme files, reversing the order of your posts within the code of your theme files: