Adrian ChambersQuestions(19)Answers(0)Posts(0)CommentsThank you, Shawn. Trust all's well with you and yours. CheersOn Error when pasting from Microsoft Word into Gutenberg, due to empty reusable block.I can now use Gutenberg without any problems!On Error when pasting from Microsoft Word into Gutenberg, due to empty reusable block.GitHub" "This is something that will be fixed in an upcoming version of the Gutenberg plugin.It's a bad bug that's triggered by having an empty reusable block on your site. As a temporary workaround you can remove the empty reusable block from your site, or add something to it." On Error when pasting from Microsoft Word into Gutenberg, due to empty reusable block.I now understand my issue has something to do with an "empty reusable block" and that Gutenberg is addressing it in an upcoming update. I'm now trying to figure out what that is, although I'm told it's now been deleted from my site and I'm advised I can use Gutenberg again. I'll try it and let you know.On Error when pasting from Microsoft Word into Gutenberg, due to empty reusable block.Thank you, Shawn. The content is there (I can see it in Preview but it's very difficult to edit half a screen)! The creators claim it's not their fault, so I'm wondering if any other Gutenberg users have experienced this?On Right side of screen disappears when editing in Gutenberg?Thank you, Shawn.Windows Live Mail, which I've been using for years.On Why are my post email updates to subscribers shown as now coming from WordPress rather than my site?My apologies, Shawn. Home PageFantastic, mate. I'm spending the weekend listening to the tutes and thoroughly enjoying the production and what I am learning. A question that springs readily to mind is this. Is it possible to attach a sticky single static page to open each category in posts in a blog? If so, how? - as that could resolve an issue of trying to introduce each category in my motor racing blog. Thank you, Shawn, for being so quick to respond. Cheers, Adrian.On Answer for Is WP101 right for me?Thank you, Shawn. I downloaded Rebecca's ebook and found it most enlightening and rewarding.On Answer for What is SEO?Crop